Tooth Times
Feb 12, 2025
What Parents Need to Know About the Tooth Fairy
The tooth fairy is a popular American tradition that also teaches kids about dental care. Here's everything parents need to know to make a visit from the tooth fairy even more fun.
Jun 21, 2024
Losing a tooth is the biggest childhood milestone
The last baby tooth and saying goodbye to the kid stage of parenting
Why is this milestone hitting me so hard?
Jan 14, 2023
Health Headlines: Working with “Tooth Fairies” to study children’s mental health
By Rhonda Hardin
Published: Jan. 10, 2023 at 7:34 AM EST
BOSTON, Mass. (Ivanhoe Newswire) – Parents of young chi...
Jan 14, 2023
Why a mouse called Pérez is Spain’s tooth fairy
When a child loses a milk tooth in Spain, it’s not a magical fairy that comes to collect it in the night, but a little mouse instead
Nov 20, 2020
Baby teeth keep falling out and The Tooth Brigade is ready!
The world is upside down at times but it keeps on spinning. Children continue to lose teeth. And The Tooth Brigade has much work to do!
Nov 20, 2020
Amazing Children's Books Vol. 1
Here are a couple of fun children's books to get your collection started. Curated by your friends at The Tooth Brigade and It Helps To Play.
Jan 10, 2020
A Recap of our event at WHIM
The Tooth Brigade had a wonderful, whimsical day at WHIM! The WHIM Wonderland space was a great backdrop for some adorable photos and fun playtime for kids AND parents. The space is currently being transformed into the WHIM [book] club which starts January 13th! We can’t thank them enough. See pictures below!
Nov 13, 2019
The Tooth Brigade Book and Tooth Pillows are here!
Sharon and Andy Azula had an idea: To create fun, maybe silly things, for kids to the make big moments in their lives...
Nov 3, 2019
The Tooth Brigade Launch
The Tooth Brigade plush tooth pillow and book launch for presale on November 6th, and a portion of proceeds benefit charities that provide dental care to children in need.